La promesa y el desafío del Lesson Study en toda la escuela en los Estados Unidos
10.37618/PARADIGMA.1011-2251.2023.p80-109.id1413Palabras clave:
Lesson Study. Jugyou Kenkyuu. Enseñanza de las matemáticas. Aprendizaje profesional. Comunidad profesional. Equidad. Investigación colaborativa en el aula.Resumen
Este artículo describe el Lesson Study basado en la escuela, un tipo de aprendizaje profesional local que es casi universal en Japón pero raro en los Estados Unidos. Después de discutir los elementos centrales de Lesson Study en toda la escuela, examinamos sus promesas y desafíos en los Estados Unidos. La promesa se muestra en el potencial presentado por el Lesson Study en toda la escuela, cuando se combina con un enfoque como la enseñanza a través de la resolución de problemas, para resolver dos problemas persistentes en la educación de los EE. UU.: (1) transformar el aprendizaje de las matemáticas para centrarse en la resolución de problemas; y (2) abordar la brecha de oportunidades que enfrentan los estudiantes de grupos históricamente marginados. Identificamos dos principios subyacentes al desarrollo exitoso del Lesson Study en toda la escuela: apoyo a la motivación intrínseca de los docentes; y liderazgo conjunto maestro-administrador. Juntos, estos principios se postulan para apoyar la efectividad colectiva de los maestros, una poderosa influencia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Finalmente, discutimos un gran desafío para el Lesson Study en toda la escuela: sostenerlo en medio de cambios en el liderazgo de la escuela y del distrito.Descargas
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Fujii, T. (2019). Designing and adapting tasks in lesson planning: A critical process of Lesson Study. In R. Huang, A. Takahashi, & J. DaPonte (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics: An International Perspective (pp. 681–704). Springer.
Goddard, R. D. (2002). Collective Efficacy and School Organization: A Multilevel Analysis of Teacher Influence in Schools. Theory and Research in Educational Administration, 1, 169-184.
Goddard, R. D., Hoy, W. K., & Woolfok Hoy, A. (2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its meaning, measure, and impact on student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 37(2), 479–507.
Hattie, J. (2017). Visible learning for mathematics, grades K-12: What works best to optimize student learning. Corwin Mathematics.
LSGAMC (Lesson Study Group at Mills College) (2022a). Develop a Research Theme.
LSGAMC (Lesson Study Group at Mills College) (2022b). Teaching Through Problem-solving.
Lesson Study Group at Mills College (2022c), Teaching Through Problem-solving: Overview.
Lesson Study Group at Mills College (2022d), Teaching Through Problem-solving: Journals.
Lewis, C. (2015). What is improvement science? Do we need it in education? Educational Researcher, 44(1), 54–61.
Lewis, C., & Takahashi, A. (2013). Facilitating curriculum reforms through Lesson Study. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 2(3).
Lewis, C., & Tsuchida, I. (1997). Planned educational change in Japan: The case of elementary science instruction. Journal of Educational Policy, 12(5), 313–331.
McDougal, T., & Takahashi, A. (2014). Teaching mathematics through problem solving. Independent Teacher, Fall. Pages/Teaching-Mathematics-Through-Problem-Solving.aspx
NCTM. (1980). An agenda for action. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
NGACBP & CCSSO (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers). (2010). Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers.
NIER (National Institute for Educational Policy Research) [Kokuritsu Kyouiku Seisaku Kenkyuujo]. (2011). Report of Survey Research on Improvement of Teacher Quality [Kyouin no Shitsu no Koujou ni Kansuru Chosa Kenkyuu]. Kokuritsu Kyouiku Seisaku Kenkyuujou.
Takahashi, A. (2021). Teaching Mathematics Through Problem-solving: A Pedagogical Approach from Japan. Routledge.
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68.
Watanabe, T. (2014). Transformation of Japanese Elementary Mathematics Textbooks: 1958–2012. In Y. Li, E. A. Silver, & S. Li (Eds.), Transforming Mathematics Instruction (pp. 199–215). Springer International Publishing. 978-3-319-04993-9_12
California Department of Education (2023). Smarter Balanced Assessment System (Lesson Study Group at Mills College) (2022a).
California Department of Education (2023). Develop a Research Theme. study-step/develop-research-theme/
Deci, E., & Ryan, R. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. Plenum.
Donohoo, Hattie, J. & Eells, R. (2018). The power of collective efficacy. Educational Leadership, 75(6), 40-44.
Fullan, M., Cuttress, C., & Kilcher, A. (2005). 8 Forces for leaders of change. Journal of Staff Development, 26(4). 54-64. wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ 13396067650.pdf
Fujii, T. (2019). Designing and adapting tasks in lesson planning: A critical process of Lesson Study. In R. Huang, A. Takahashi, & J. DaPonte (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics: An International Perspective (pp. 681–704). Springer.
Goddard, R. D. (2002). Collective Efficacy and School Organization: A Multilevel Analysis of Teacher Influence in Schools. Theory and Research in Educational Administration, 1, 169-184.
Goddard, R. D., Hoy, W. K., & Woolfok Hoy, A. (2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its meaning, measure, and impact on student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 37(2), 479–507.
Hattie, J. (2017). Visible learning for mathematics, grades K-12: What works best to optimize student learning. Corwin Mathematics.
LSGAMC (Lesson Study Group at Mills College) (2022a). Develop a Research Theme.
LSGAMC (Lesson Study Group at Mills College) (2022b). Teaching Through Problem-solving.
Lesson Study Group at Mills College (2022c), Teaching Through Problem-solving: Overview.
Lesson Study Group at Mills College (2022d), Teaching Through Problem-solving: Journals.
Lewis, C. (2015). What is improvement science? Do we need it in education? Educational Researcher, 44(1), 54–61.
Lewis, C., & Takahashi, A. (2013). Facilitating curriculum reforms through Lesson Study. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 2(3).
Lewis, C., & Tsuchida, I. (1997). Planned educational change in Japan: The case of elementary science instruction. Journal of Educational Policy, 12(5), 313–331.
McDougal, T., & Takahashi, A. (2014). Teaching mathematics through problem solving. Independent Teacher, Fall. Pages/Teaching-Mathematics-Through-Problem-Solving.aspx
NCTM. (1980). An agenda for action. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
NGACBP & CCSSO (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers). (2010). Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers.
NIER (National Institute for Educational Policy Research) [Kokuritsu Kyouiku Seisaku Kenkyuujo]. (2011). Report of Survey Research on Improvement of Teacher Quality [Kyouin no Shitsu no Koujou ni Kansuru Chosa Kenkyuu]. Kokuritsu Kyouiku Seisaku Kenkyuujou.
Takahashi, A. (2021). Teaching Mathematics Through Problem-solving: A Pedagogical Approach from Japan. Routledge.
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68.
Watanabe, T. (2014). Transformation of Japanese Elementary Mathematics Textbooks: 1958–2012. In Y. Li, E. A. Silver, & S. Li (Eds.), Transforming Mathematics Instruction (pp. 199–215). Springer International Publishing. 978-3-319-04993-9_12
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Cómo citar
Lewis, C. C. ., Stodard, J., Lerner, J. D. ., & Sufrin, H. A. (2023). La promesa y el desafío del Lesson Study en toda la escuela en los Estados Unidos. PARADIGMA, 44(2), 80–109.