Del Lesson Studies al Lesson Study italiano: un Proceso de Transposición Cultural
10.37618/PARADIGMA.1011-2251.2023.p340-375.id1423Palabras clave:
Lesson Study. Transposición cultural. Italia. China y Japón. Educación matemática.Resumen
En este artículo trazamos un recorrido que da cuenta del trabajo de Transposición del Lesson Study (LS) de la cultura oriental a la italiana a través de la perspectiva dada por el enfoque de la Transposición Cultural. En ella, el encuentro con una cultura diferente es visto como un medio capaz de suscitar en los docentes nuevas y más profundas reflexiones sobre sus propios hábitos y prácticas educativas. Llamamos al producto de este proceso el “Lesson Study Italiana” (ILS): no está establecido a priori, sino que depende de las solicitudes a los participantes que los investigadores, como formadores de docentes, eligieron implantar en él. En particular, presentamos 4 ejemplos de ILS llevados a cabo en diferentes años escolares (1, 5, 8, 9), para resaltar cómo cada equipo de LS respondió a estas solicitudes a través de sus elecciones de diseño sobre la Clase de Investigación y las reflexiones críticas de los diferentes participantes. En base a esta descripción, en las conclusiones esbozamos algunas características comunes y diferencias entre los ejemplos, con el fin de resaltar reflexiones más generales sobre las posibles formas de implementar LS en culturas distintas de las orientales.Descargas
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Arzarello, F., Robutti, O., Sabena, C., Cusi, A., Garuti, R., Malara, N., & Martignone, F. (2014). Meta-Didactical Transposition: A Theoretical Model for Teacher Education Programmes. In A. Clark-Wilson, O. Robutti, & N. Sinclair (Eds.), The Mathematics Teacher in the Digital Era (Vol. 2, pp. 347–372). Springer Netherlands.
Bartolini Bussi, M. G. (1996). Mathematical discussion and perspective drawing in primary school: To Giovanni Prodi on occasion of his 70th birthday. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 31(1–2), 11–41.
Bartolini Bussi, M. G., & Martignone, F. (2013). Cultural issues in the communication of research on mathematics education. For the Learning of Mathematics, 33(1), 2–8.
Bartolini Bussi, M. G., Sun, X., & Ramploud, A. (2014). A dialogue between cultures about task design for primary school. In C. Margolinas (Ed.), Proceedings of the ICMI Study 22 (pp. 549–558). Oxford.
Bartolini Bussi, M. G., Bertolini, C., Ramploud, A., & Sun, X. (2017). Cultural transposition of Chinese lesson study to Italy: An exploratory study on fractions in a fourth-grade classroom. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 6(4), 380–395.
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Manolino, C. (2021). The Semiosphere lens to look at Lesson Study practices in their cultural context: A case study. In M. Inprasitha, N. Changsri, & N. Boonsena (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 263–272).
Mellone, M., & Ramploud, A. (2015). Additive structure: An educational experience of cultural transposition. In Sun X., Kaur B. and Novotná N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the ICMI Study 23 (pp. 567– 574). China, Macau: University of Macau.
Mellone, M., Ramploud, A., Di Paola, B., & Martignone, F. (2019). Cultural transposition: Italian didactic experiences inspired by Chinese and Russian perspectives on whole number arithmetic. ZDM, 51, 199–212.
Mellone, M., Ramploud, A., & Carotenuto, G. (2021). An experience of cultural transposition of the El’konin-Davydov curriculum. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 106, 379–396.
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Minisola, R., & Manolino, C. (2022). Teachers’ professional development: a cultural matter. How to describe cultural contexts? In J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi, & F. Ferretti (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). (pp. 3650–3657). ERME / Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
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OECD (2020), TALIS 2018 Results (Volume II): Teachers and School Leaders as Valued Professionals, TALIS. OECD Publishing.
Ramploud, A., Funghi, S., & Bartolini Bussi, M. G. (2022). Chinese lesson study: critical aspects of transfer from China to Italy. International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies, 11(2), 147–160. ISSN: 2046-8253,
Schiedi, A. (2021). The Montessori theory in the “No Schoolbag” model. Formativity of materials and of the educational environment. Ricerche Di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 93-104 Pages. 10.6092/ISSN.1970-2221/12199
Venkat, H., Beckmann, S., Larsson, K., Xin, Y. P., Ramploud, A., & Chen, L. (2018). Connecting Whole Number Arithmetic Foundations to Other Parts of Mathematics: Structure and Structuring Activity. In M. G. Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Eds.), Building the Foundation: Whole Numbers in the Primary Grades (pp. 299–324). Springer International Publishing.
Winsløw, C. (2010). Anthropological theory of didactic phenomena: Some examples and principles of its use in the study of mathematics education. In M. Bosch, J. Gascón, A. R. Olarría, M. Artaud, A. Bronner, Y. Chevallard, G. Cirade, C. Ladage, & M. Larguier (Eds.), Un panorama de la TAD (pp. 117–140). Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.
Arzarello, F., Funghi, S., Manolino, C., Ramploud, A., & Bartolini Bussi, M. G. (2022). Networking Hybridizations within the Semiosphere: a research trajectory for the Cultural Transposition of the Chinese Lesson Study within a Western context. International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies, 11(4), 331–343.
Arzarello, F., Robutti, O., Sabena, C., Cusi, A., Garuti, R., Malara, N., & Martignone, F. (2014). Meta-Didactical Transposition: A Theoretical Model for Teacher Education Programmes. In A. Clark-Wilson, O. Robutti, & N. Sinclair (Eds.), The Mathematics Teacher in the Digital Era (Vol. 2, pp. 347–372). Springer Netherlands.
Bartolini Bussi, M. G. (1996). Mathematical discussion and perspective drawing in primary school: To Giovanni Prodi on occasion of his 70th birthday. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 31(1–2), 11–41.
Bartolini Bussi, M. G., & Martignone, F. (2013). Cultural issues in the communication of research on mathematics education. For the Learning of Mathematics, 33(1), 2–8.
Bartolini Bussi, M. G., Sun, X., & Ramploud, A. (2014). A dialogue between cultures about task design for primary school. In C. Margolinas (Ed.), Proceedings of the ICMI Study 22 (pp. 549–558). Oxford.
Bartolini Bussi, M. G., Bertolini, C., Ramploud, A., & Sun, X. (2017). Cultural transposition of Chinese lesson study to Italy: An exploratory study on fractions in a fourth-grade classroom. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 6(4), 380–395.
Bosch, M., & Gascón, J. (2006). Twenty-five years of the didactic transposition. ICMI Bulletin, 58, 51–65.
Braga, P., & Tosi, P. (1998). L’osservazione. In S. Mantovani (Ed.), La ricerca sul campo in educazione. I metodi qualitativi. Milano: Bruno Mondadori.
Capone, R., Adesso, M. G., Manolino, C., Minisola, R., Robutti, O. (in print). Culturally Crafted Lesson Study to Improve Teachers’ Professional Development in Mathematics: A Case Study in Italian Secondary School. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
Cardarello, R. (2016). L’osservazione in classe. In Ufficio scolastico regionale (Ed.), Essere docenti in Emilia Romagna 2015-16 (pp. 51–55). Napoli: Tecnodid.
Castelnuovo, E. (2008). L’officina matematica. Edizione La Meridiana, Molfetta.
Chevallard, Y. (2002). Organiser l’étude. 3. Écologie & regulation. In J. L. Dorier (Ed.), Act es de la 11e École d’Été de Didactique des Mathématiques (pp. 41–56). La Pensée Sauvage.
Jaworski, B., & Potari, D. (2021). Implementation of a developmental model of teachers’ and didacticians’ learning through inquiry: Design, operationalisation and outcomes. ZDM, 53(5), 1073–1084.
Jullien, F. (2006). Si parler va sans dire. Du logos et d’autres ressources. Paris: Edition du Seuil.
Manolino, C. (2021). The Semiosphere lens to look at Lesson Study practices in their cultural context: A case study. In M. Inprasitha, N. Changsri, & N. Boonsena (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 263–272).
Mellone, M., & Ramploud, A. (2015). Additive structure: An educational experience of cultural transposition. In Sun X., Kaur B. and Novotná N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the ICMI Study 23 (pp. 567– 574). China, Macau: University of Macau.
Mellone, M., Ramploud, A., Di Paola, B., & Martignone, F. (2019). Cultural transposition: Italian didactic experiences inspired by Chinese and Russian perspectives on whole number arithmetic. ZDM, 51, 199–212.
Mellone, M., Ramploud, A., & Carotenuto, G. (2021). An experience of cultural transposition of the El’konin-Davydov curriculum. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 106, 379–396.
Minisola, R. (2016). Insegnanti di Matematica che lavorano in collaborazione: panoramica internazionale e contesto italiano [Master’s dissertation]. University of Turin.
Minisola, R., & Manolino, C. (2022). Teachers’ professional development: a cultural matter. How to describe cultural contexts? In J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi, & F. Ferretti (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). (pp. 3650–3657). ERME / Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
MIUR (2012). _Nazionali_pdf/2012_Indicazioni_Curricolo_Sc_Inf.pdf
OECD (2020), TALIS 2018 Results (Volume II): Teachers and School Leaders as Valued Professionals, TALIS. OECD Publishing.
Ramploud, A., Funghi, S., & Bartolini Bussi, M. G. (2022). Chinese lesson study: critical aspects of transfer from China to Italy. International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies, 11(2), 147–160. ISSN: 2046-8253,
Schiedi, A. (2021). The Montessori theory in the “No Schoolbag” model. Formativity of materials and of the educational environment. Ricerche Di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 93-104 Pages. 10.6092/ISSN.1970-2221/12199
Venkat, H., Beckmann, S., Larsson, K., Xin, Y. P., Ramploud, A., & Chen, L. (2018). Connecting Whole Number Arithmetic Foundations to Other Parts of Mathematics: Structure and Structuring Activity. In M. G. Bartolini Bussi & X. H. Sun (Eds.), Building the Foundation: Whole Numbers in the Primary Grades (pp. 299–324). Springer International Publishing.
Winsløw, C. (2010). Anthropological theory of didactic phenomena: Some examples and principles of its use in the study of mathematics education. In M. Bosch, J. Gascón, A. R. Olarría, M. Artaud, A. Bronner, Y. Chevallard, G. Cirade, C. Ladage, & M. Larguier (Eds.), Un panorama de la TAD (pp. 117–140). Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.
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Cómo citar
Arzarello, F., Bartolini Bussi, M. G., Funghi, S., Manolino, C., Minisola, R., & Ramploud, A. (2023). Del Lesson Studies al Lesson Study italiano: un Proceso de Transposición Cultural. PARADIGMA, 44(2), 340–375.