Critical and formative evaluation in secondary education students.
Formative evaluation, Assessment methods, critical thinking, pedagogy, teaching methods.Abstract
This study describes the approaches that a private educative institution has about teaching, learning and assessment process. Its curriculum includes a rigorous document with evaluation policies, the SIEE (Institutional Assessment System) is offering a formative evaluation, critical thinking and analytical formation on students. The research was directed finding what kind of assessment is done, student`s considerations about assessment, and motivation for learning. A qualitative descriptive method was used (Hernández et all, 2010). And the analyses includes descriptive statistics, questionnaires, open interviews, observation protocols, and literature analysis. The paper concludes that some teachers are not involved in the contextual dynamics of learning, nor do they take into account the interests of students. So, this leads to warning that today's teachers must be updated and conduct teaching through dynamic and motivational research strategies. In this case, the proposed transformative pedagogical model and critical formative assessment will have sense on students and therefore, in our society.Downloads
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