10.37618/PARADIGMA.1011-2251.2022.p870-897.id1256Palabras clave:
Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Society, Cognition, CultureResumen
In this article, we maintain that the production of scientific knowledge is a product that is continuously linked to social reality as it is a constructive movement characterized by the socio-dynamics of culture. Elaborated in the form of an argumentative essay, it discusses the constitution of socio-cultural processes that mobilize reading, understanding, and explanation of the reality experienced and validated by human society. It was with this understanding that we conducted our inquiries, discussions, and reflections on the possibilities of establishing a Mathematics Education centered on the interconnection of mathematics, society, cognition, and culture (MSCC). Based on our reflections, we point out indicators for interactive and integrative mathematics teaching, which argues for the development of a mathematical educator who acts as a mediator of operationalized learning in favor of the emancipation and social transformation of students.Descargas
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